Monday, 20 February 2017

Spark MIT Day One

Welcome to my first blog post as I begin my journey on the Spark - MIT programme for 2017. What an awesome day it has been connecting with teachers from the Manaiaklani and Outreach clusters.
Today we have been challenged with thinking about and critiquing our inquiry topics and really deciding on what the problem is and how we are going to address some hypotheses we have. After lots of discussion I have decided to continue with my original inquiry focus.

How does strategic collaboration used in conjunction with visible learning and digital tools lead to accelerated student achievement across our school?

I am going to investigate how planned and strategic collaboration in conjunction with visible learning and digital tools enables accelerated achievement for learners, especially our priority learners.  I will be supporting and scaffolding staff to make changes in their practice and make the best use of collaboration. I will also be closely monitoring the progress that the target students are making and having conversations with them about their learning. 

Here is our group hard at work at the Spark HQ. Beautiful facility and delicious kai too.

My goal now is to go away and absorb what we have talked about today and think about the HOW.