Sunday, 6 August 2017

Making Connections to other Inquiries

One of our tasks was to make connections to Inquiries of past Spark MIT Teachers. I have visited the Spark MIT site and read through many previous inquiries and well as watching their final presentations.

I found it quite difficult to make connections as my inquiry is focusing on the teachers and their practice rather than the students and their learning. But reading through the many inquiries what does resonate with my inquiry is the terms acceleration and achievement! I believe that my inquiry into collaboration, digital tools, and visible learning is a key success in accelerating progress for students, especially target students in literacy.

There are many ideas from some of these inquiries that the staff have used in their classrooms and have found them successful. Thanks to Lisa Tatum who was a Spark MIT teacher last year sharing with us.

Karen Belt
Matt Goodwin
Kent Somerville

Making connections with this year's inquiries I can connect with Hinerau - where her focus is about making teaching and learning visible to raise student achievement. This was one part of my inquiry.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alicia. I had seen an email for the Spark-MIT 2017 applications and I decided to look at some of the past inquiry blogs, seriously they are priceless! Matt Goodwin is who I am most interested in as I have a lot of boys who are not very keen in writing. I also chose your inquiry blog to help guide me with working in a collaborative environment :)
