Wednesday, 7 April 2021

DFI - External Recognition

Well today was the final day of DFI. It has been a great journey and an awesome professional development opportunity for me while being on maternity leave. It has given me time to reflect on my pedagogy and given me enthusiasm for when I enter back into the classroom in Term 2. Thanks has to go out to the Manaiakalani Team that have put together this great programme. Also to Jeremy, our Coach, who has supported us in our bubble over the nine weeks.

Today started with a mix of emotions for me - leaving my baby for the first time after capturing her rolling over and over by herself for the first time and then having butteflies about having to sit the Google Level 1 Exam. It made me think about the situation we put our kids into when we tell them that they are going to be doing testing.

Completing the Exam was not as bad as I had thought.  The multichoice questions at the beginning did require some thinking, especially the ones about Google Classroom as this is one resource that I haven't used. I think I was well prepared and equipped with the necessary skills for the scenarios. I did have a few tricky ones but I managed to trouble shoot them. 


I passed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Tino pai mahi Alicia! Knew you would do it! I bet you are bursting to use some of your new found skills back in the classroom. Ka kite

  2. It has been such a treat having you in this cohort Alicia, bringing your expertise and innovative outlook to the group you have been working closely with. I know it is not easy doing something like this with a bub, but it has certainly helped you prepare mentally for the time when you are back at school.
    Well done on passing the Google exam- now for Level 2 ;)

  3. Well done Alicia. I am so glad that you were able to make time to complete the DFI and I did love getting to see Miss T each week. We look forward to your return next term.
